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two people standing on a pier looking out over the water



blue and white area rug


我们专注于覆盖加拿大各类移民项目,拥有经验丰富的持牌顾问团队,业务能力全面。我们的团队对加拿大从 K12 阶段到本科、硕士及博士的留学项目了如指掌,可为客户提供全方位的服务。除「工作买卖」及「魁北克项目」外,我们可以代理几乎所有其他加拿大移民项目。

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red road bike beside red and white wooden maple leaf painted wall
red road bike beside red and white wooden maple leaf painted wall
person holding red metal mug
person holding red metal mug

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Category title
red road bike beside red and white wooden maple leaf painted wall
red road bike beside red and white wooden maple leaf painted wall
white airplane flying in the sky during daytime
white airplane flying in the sky during daytime
person holding red metal mug
person holding red metal mug

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gray concrete building during daytime

